Finding the perfect hijab style
There are millions of ways to do your scarf, turban, tight, loose, big and poofy with lots of volume or just very simply wrap it around. As a convert I have been through most of the styles, at first I always used two scarves, mostly Pashmina, and just simply pinned them behind my ear on one side and then wrapped them around one after the other, I would always match my scarves to my clothes! And when I began wearing eyeshadow it would also match... but that's another story.

With time I began experimenting with different styles, I began watching tutorials on YouTube, mostly Dina Tokio <3 and then I finally stopped wearing two Pashmina scarves at the same time!! But I still pinned my hijab very tightly around my face, which isn't the best thing to do.
It wasn't until later, actually just a little over a year ago, that I found a style that really suits me. And once I figured out what looks good on me I could start playing around with it, maybe leave it hanging long down the back or wrap it up so it hangs down in the front, I feel like I'm finally having fun with my scarf.
Finding your style can be difficult, not just as one who converted, but there are many Muslim girls who doesn't wear hijab but then one day decides to, or maybe some wear it but then later choose to take it of, you go through many styles before finding the one you really like, I actually really like the turban style, but I just don't have the face shape for it, it looks ridiculous on me.
My sister converted to Islam very early, at the age of 15 she started wearing the hijab, one day she just decided to do it, we were still going to school in Sweden. In a small town, imagine being the girl who suddenly wears a scarf, she got many comments and funny looks, but she still did it!
I see so many girls who wear hijab and are fully covered but then act in such a bad way, modesty is not just about covering yourself, I have always believed that it's not so much about what's on the outside but more what is on the inside. Isn't it better to just stay home than to go to the mosque in Ramadan just to be seen? I see many girls coming to the mosque wearing a full face of Egyptian pancake makeup with red lipstick and very high heels that they spend half an hour putting on after the prayer is finished, and yeah sure they are fully covered but their abaya looks so tight I'm wondering if they actually had to sew it on and then cut it of again once they get home.
You should do you, as long as you know that you're doing the right thing and going by the right way, why should it matter what others think? And finding the perfect hijab style is all about trial and error.