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Getting ready for baby

I'm now 35 weeks and my baby is the size of a honeydew melon.... I always laugh at those comparisons! "Your baby is now the size of a sesame seed, then it's a carrot and then magically turns into a watermelon!" That has always freaked me out, I mean have you seen a watermelon!!

I already feel like I've been pregnant for forever! Time goes by so slow sometimes. I'm really looking forward to being a mom of two, not sleeping, being tired all the time, breastfeeding... aaah, motherhood.

At this point in my pregnancy I am getting a lot of pain, not contraction pains, no I am starting to get so much pain in my legs, especially my upper inner thighs... Oh my does it hurt! And the worst thing is, it makes me waddle! Whenever I am out I try to walk as normal as possible, but at home, I'm a walking talking duck (or should I say waddling). Till now I have been avoiding any major swelling problems, which is very nice! At this point in my first pregnancy I almost couldn't even fit in my shoes!

I am having a repeat c-section this time, and I'm getting nervous! I didn't really have much time to think about it with my daughter. At the end of my pregnancy my placenta stopped working right so my doctor told me to go home, eat dinner, start fasting and meet him at a private hospital the next morning, I was shocked, but also a bit relieved. If you have ever been pregnant you will know that the last month of pregnancy is the longest! You're in pain, impatient and just want to meet your new little one. So hearing the words "c-section" scared me but also came with some relief.

I still don't know if I'm having a boy or a girl, I really don't care, I just want my baby to be healthy! I have so much clothes from my daughter, both used and new, my sister has also been very kind to give me some of her sons baby clothes. So clothes is off the check list!

Now, the most important part: nesting! If you don't know what that means, it's something that happens to all pregnant women when we get to the end, you go all mad with the cleaning, organizing and preparing for your new baby. Right now I am spending almost every day going over and over all my things, I had one day where I cleaned EVERYTHING, I actually ran out of things to do so I sat down and put together a family photo album! I need to organize! I can't help it!

I still need to get some baby essentials, like diapers and baby oil and soap. But other than that I should be ready.

After baby comes I am planning on staying with my mom and sister for awhile. It's very normal here in Egypt, after giving birth, the mother and baby stays with her family who helps her out, usually she stays 40 days with her family. I'm very happy to be staying with my sister, the only problem is just, I have to walk up to the third floor hours after having a c-section... that makes me very nervous, but I just have to take it one step at a time.

I still have some weeks to go and I am getting more and more excited every day!

Lots of Love




Luxor City, Luxor, Luxor Governorate, Egypt

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