Wearing hijab during the hot months of summer
When I first began wearing hijab it was during winter, and even though this is Egypt, southern Egypt, it still gets pretty cold. So my first go-to style was matching two pashmina scarves and wrapping them around my head... not the prettiest, can I tell you, looking back. But let's face it, all Hijabis have different phases when you want to try out different styles, color combos etc. For me it was always matching my hijab color to whatever clothes color I was wearing... again... looking back, *whispers* not so pretty.

But, the journey is what makes us who we are right? So, No Regrets... maybe just some.
The matching pashmina scarves worked fine for me, until spring hit and summer was approaching fast. And mind, here in Luxor the temperatures during summer can easily go above 50 degrees celsius. If you want to be able to do anything during summer you better have an hijab-plan! The way I usually do my scarf now is by first tying a small cotton scarf around my head and wrapping it around my hair (like a turban), this is my 'base', it also works great to give a little volume in the back. But, it can be hot at times, so during summer I like to skip that and then just use it as an underscarf to shape and support the main scarf. I'm wearing two scarves, yes, but you need something to help the main scarf so it doesn't slide around or just lies flat on your head.
Another important thing is the fabric, pashmina might not be the best if you are going out in the sun. You need to choose a light scarf that's breathable, chiffon scarves are great for the summer, or if you can get your hands on a cotton scarf. But, if you are a person like me who bought crazy many pashmina scarves back in the days, you can easily wear it but don't wrap it around tightly! Maybe go for a more simple way like pinning it underneath your chin and then just swing the long side over the shoulder, in that way you won't have a ton of fabric on top of your head.
I'm one of those girls who like to wear a tight shirt with a high neck underneath my clothes, in that way I don't have to worry about my neck showing. But those tight shirts can be a plaque!! I have a solution! If you, again like me, have a ton of these long sleeved high neck shirts, you can easily just cut off the sleeves. The sleeves were the one thing that bothered me the most, especially when I wanted to wear a cardigan but I needed something to cover my neck and chest, it's hard to wear two layers of sleeves! I cut the sleeves off of some of my shirts and now I just wear them pretty much all the time.
This will be the end for this post, I hope you enjoyed reading and hopefully you will find my tips helpful <3

Lot's of summer love.